Writing & Reading Time!
You must be a member of the Kid's Zone to participate in the WRIXX Challenges. View the Kid's Zone page here to join!
What's Happening Here?
Can you write a paragraph about what is going on in this picture? Your paragraph must have at least 4 sentences. Earn five points towards the year end top 100.
Rhyme Lines
Create two rhyming lines of a poem Send two different lines on Monday and Friday of each week to earn 2 points towards the WRXX Top 100.
Sentence Creation
Visit the Kid Zone Activity page here each day and locate the word of the day. Create up to 5 sentences each week using each word of the day. Submit your created sentences on Friday. Earn 3 points for each sentence you create towards the WRIXX Top 100.
Create A Story
Look at the picture and create a story. Earn 5 points towards the year end top 100.
Story Building
Look at the picture and complete the story. Submit a new story each Wednesday of the week. Your submitted story is worth 2 Points towards the WRXX Top 100.